Quality & QP Services

Efficient quality-driven solutions tailored to your clinical trial project.

Why Work with RxSource?

Regulatory Expertise

RxSource has in-depth knowledge and experience with regulatory guidelines, ensuring compliance and quality in all operations and facilities.

Quality Driven

We prioritize quality in everything we do. We are fully GMP- and GDP compliant, as appropriate, for all services we offer. As a "Patient First" company, this can include approaches that go above and beyond those required by the regulations.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our quality management system. Investments, such as our TrackWise EQMS, support our rigorous tracking of resolutions to any quality issues raised by our clients, sites or patients.

A quality-first approach to clinical trial supply

Our team is committed to maintaining high global standards of quality across our organization from clinical trial supply chain management to distribution. In addition to regular regulatory audits of our facilities, where applicable, in support of our licenses we also are subject to regular QA audits by our clients. At RxSource, product quality and patient safety are our top priority and are achieved through structured quality systems, procedures, and processes. Our QP services include auditing, batch review, and certification to support clinical trial sponsors with EU importation and batch release requirements.

Our goal is to surpass client and regulatory expectations while continuously improving quality in all we do, with a focus on improving patient lives by delivering medicines quickly and with the highest level of care and attention.

We are licensed by the following regulatory bodies:

  • Canada - Health Canada, Drug Establishment License (DEL)
  • USA - NJ Department of Health, Wholesale Distributor License (WDL)
  • Europe – HPRA (Ireland) Investigational Medicinal Product Manufacturer/Importer

Authorisation (MIA) and Wholesaler Dealer’s License (WDL)


Growth in Units Packaged from last year


Growth in Packaging runs from last year


Growth in Labels Printed from Last Year

Your Trial, Our Passion ™

Last quarter alone, we were able to positively impact the lives of 44,500 patients. Our goal is to improve the lives of 10 million patients in 10 years. Contact us today to learn more about how we can work together to make a meaningful impact.

Contact Us

“100% execution with quality/solution focus”
“Friendly, professional” “quick, flexible, and patient”
“pleasure to work, quick to respond”

Our customers have given us an average rating of 9/10 for service.

74-556 Edward Ave
Richmond Hill
L4C 9Y5


1240 Forest Parkway
West Deptford
New Jersey


Unit 506
Northwest Business
Park, Ballycoolin
Dublin 15
D15 KP21

+353 (1) 963-1100