RxSource Goes Plastic-Free for July

This July, RxSource took part in Plastic Free July, a global movement that aims to reduce plastic consumption and waste. As a company that is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, we were excited to join this important campaign and do our part to protect the planet.
Plastic Free July at RxSource was a month-long effort to reduce our use of single-use plastics and adopt more sustainable practices. Our team members participated in various activities and initiatives, including:

  • Using reusable water bottles and coffee cups
  • Introduced re-usable business cards.
  • Giving out sprout pencils and donate to charity in conferences
  • Using recyclable materials for more than 90% of our shipments
  • Encouraging the use of paper instead of plastic in our office supplies

Through these and other efforts, we were able to significantly reduce our plastic consumption and waste during the month of July. We also raised awareness about the environmental impact of plastics and inspired others to join us in our efforts to live more sustainably.

Plastic Free July was a success for RxSource, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to reduce plastic use and waste in the future. We encourage others to join us in this important cause and make every day a plastic-free day.

Your Trial, Our Passion ™

Last quarter alone, we were able to positively impact the lives of 44,500 patients. Our goal is to improve the lives of 10 million patients in 10 years. Contact us today to learn more about how we can work together to make a meaningful impact.

Contact Us

“100% execution with quality/solution focus”
“Friendly, professional” “quick, flexible, and patient”
“pleasure to work, quick to respond”

Our customers have given us an average rating of 9/10 for service.

74-556 Edward Ave
Richmond Hill
L4C 9Y5


1240 Forest Parkway
West Deptford
New Jersey


Unit 506
Northwest Business
Park, Ballycoolin
Dublin 15
D15 KP21

+353 (1) 963-1100